Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Beginning of Fall

My daughter and her husband came for a visit this Sept. I miss them so so so much. Phone calls do help when they live so far away, but a kiss and hug are so much better. I enjoyed just being with them for a week. Maybe someday they will get to move back home. In the mean time I will just have to settle for those awaited phone calls!!
This is my favorite time of year. The air has gotten cooler, no humidity, and the leaves are just beginning to change colors. These are my mums that I am surprised got this big. I think I will plant more next year. It is very stormy today, so these flowers probably won't look this good for very long. But at least I have proof that I can grow them!!!!
This is our brand new Grandson, Carter Daniel Mayfield. Born Oct.4th, weighed 8lbs. 5oz. Don't you just want to kiss those little chubby cheeks!! I just wished the world would get better for our grandchildren. It's kind of scary to think about what they may have to face in this crazy cruel world.